About Me

nama muhammad shafiq tapi manusia sekeliling panggil shafiq! ayah nama mohd shukri. kerjanya P.P.U.J.K.JPNKedah! mama pula nama rope'ah. kerja apa? "che'gu"lah! ayah dan mama aku baik..whoa! adik ada 6 org! semua comey!(mcm abg dia) aku lahir kat dalam hospital. kat mana tu? mana lg, klang selangor lah! bila? 2 September 1989 terima kasih "wish"! hadiah mana? bak mai hadiah byk! bagi hadiah mahai noo!yay! semoga aku panjang umur dan banyakkanlah hadiah! aku dok kat Lot 2638, Jalan Pedu, Kuala Nerang, Kedah. awat? kenai aku ka? aku suka nasi lemak && teh o ais tapi aku tak suka bawang && nasik himpit! sapa men Gtalk, YM? sharazz_m@yahoo.co.uk skype pun samalah! kasi add aku kaih! friendster plak? www.friendster.com/sharazz friendster lagi best dari myspace!tp rupanya facebook lg best..cuba la cuba!wakakakakakakakakakkaka!


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Monday, March 24, 2008


In line with UniMAP’s mission to produce a holistic human capital that contributes to the nation’s development and industrial competitiveness agenda and a vision to be an internationally competitive academic and research institution, all academic programmes at the Bachelor’s degree offered by the School of Manufacturing Engineering carry the following objectives:

1) to produce holistic engineers who are highly competent in both engineering theory and practice.

2) to contribute in the supply of human resource to meet current engineering demands.

3) to contribute to the development of strategic engineering disciplines, in line with the requirements outlined in Malaysia’s Industrial Master Plan.

The academic programs offered by the School of Manufacturing Engineering has a 60%-40% structure whereby 60% of the students’ time is spent doing practical training and 40% is in theoretical learning. This method of teaching and learning is known as a practical-based/ lab-intensive education.

Apart from the core engineering subjects, students are given courses in relevant skills of entrepreneurship, communication, information technology and management. They are also required to attend the Islamic and Asian Civilization courses along with other extra curricular activities designed to bring out the best ability in each student.

The credit hours required to fulfil the requirements of a degree is 135 credit hours in which 120 are core courses, while the remaining 15 are the university required courses.

The school is equipped with laboratories to facilitate the learning process. These facilities include an Advanced Engineering Lab, a CNC Lab, a Cad/CAM Lab, a Product Design Lab, a Metrology Lab, and a Rapid Prototyping Lab.